February 19, 2010February 19, 2010, at 86 Forsyth Street, New York City.

Zines and editions table -Marco Barrera, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Medium Rare (Milano Chow,) Kingsboro Press, Gregory Fong, Ames Gerould, and others.




Rochelle Goldberg

Rochelle Goldberg

Max Shubert

Max Shubert

Eric Mack

CLara Carter, Max Roseglass, Eric Mack, Marco Barrera, Elena Bajo, Rochelle Goldberg, Travess Smalley

Marco Barrera

Max Roseglass

Max Roseglass

Clara Carter

Clara Carter

Elena Bajo

Ian Law

Devin Kenny

Travess Smalley

Dmitri Hertz

Siebren Versteeg

Michael Jones McKean

Jimmy Raskin

Nicky Lesser

Noah Venezia

Timothy Hull

Ooga Booga LA

Printed Matter

Printed Matter

Mika Tajima detail